“Sex and the City” is a beloved television series that has captured the hearts of millions around the world. The show revolves around the lives and relationships of four dynamic and independent women living in New York City. Each character brings her unique personality traits and quirks to the series, making them relatable and iconic in their own right. In this article, we will explore the fascinating connection between the “Sex and the City” characters and the zodiac signs. Discover which character aligns with your astrological sign and uncover the traits that make them a perfect match. Let’s dive into the world of “Sex and the City” and explore which character resonates with your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) – Carrie Bradshaw

If you are an Aries, the confident and ambitious Carrie Bradshaw is the perfect match for your fiery personality. Like an Aries, Carrie is determined, passionate, and unafraid to take risks. Her independent spirit and love for adventure mirror the adventurous nature of Aries individuals.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Miranda Hobbes

Practical and grounded, Taurus individuals will find a kindred spirit in Miranda Hobbes. Miranda’s no-nonsense approach to life, combined with her loyalty and reliability, resonates with the traits commonly associated with Taurus. Like a true Taurus, Miranda values stability and is fiercely protective of her loved ones.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Samantha Jones

Samantha Jones embodies the vivacious and outgoing nature of a Gemini. Geminis are known for their sociability, wit, and charm, much like Samantha. Her quick thinking, adaptability, and love for adventure make her a natural match for the multifaceted Gemini personality.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Charlotte York

Sensitive, nurturing, and deeply caring, Charlotte York aligns perfectly with the traits of a Cancer. Just like Cancer individuals, Charlotte is driven by her emotions and seeks security and stability in her relationships. Her nurturing nature and desire for a deep emotional connection make her an ideal match for Cancer signs.

Leo (July 23 – August 22) – Samantha Jones

Samantha Jones makes another appearance, this time as the perfect match for Leo individuals. Leos are known for their confidence, charisma, and larger-than-life personalities, all of which are qualities shared by Samantha. Her fearless approach to life and her ability to command attention mirror the natural leadership qualities of Leos.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – Miranda Hobbes

Analytical, practical, and detail-oriented, Virgos will find themselves drawn to Miranda Hobbes. Miranda’s sharp intellect, attention to detail, and logical thinking resonate with the traits commonly associated with Virgos. Both Miranda and Virgos value practicality and possess a strong work ethic.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) – Charlotte York

Charming, diplomatic, and a true romantic at heart, Charlotte York is the ideal match for Libra individuals. Libras are known for their love of harmony and their desire for meaningful connections. Charlotte’s innate sense of fairness, love for romance, and desire for balance align perfectly with the traits of Libra signs.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) – Samantha Jones

Samantha Jones reappears, this time as the perfect match for passionate and intense Scorpios. Known for their magnetic personalities and their depth of emotion, Scorpios will find a kindred spirit in Samantha. Her fearless pursuit of pleasure and her unwavering loyalty resonate with the passionate and loyal nature of Scorpios.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – Carrie Bradshaw

With her love for adventure and her free-spirited nature, Carrie Bradshaw is the ultimate match for Sagittarius individuals. Sagittarians are known for their love of travel, their curiosity, and their optimistic outlook on life. Like a true Sagittarius, Carrie is always seeking new experiences and is unafraid to follow her dreams.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – Miranda Hobbes

Ambitious, responsible, and driven, Capricorns will find a kindred spirit in Miranda Hobbes. Miranda’s determination, practicality, and unwavering work ethic align perfectly with the traits commonly associated with Capricorns. Both Miranda and Capricorns value success and are willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve their goals.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) – Samantha Jones

Samantha Jones makes another appearance, this time as the perfect match for the independent and unconventional Aquarius. Aquarians are known for their uniqueness, their forward-thinking mindset, and their ability to challenge societal norms. Samantha’s fearless individuality and her refusal to conform resonate with the independent spirit of Aquarius signs.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) – Charlotte York

Sensitive, empathetic, and deeply romantic, Charlotte York is the ideal match for the dreamy and imaginative Pisces. Pisceans are known for their emotional depth, their compassion, and their artistic nature. Charlotte’s idealistic view of love and her desire for a fairy-tale romance align perfectly with the traits of Pisces signs.


“Sex and the City” has given us a cast of diverse and captivating characters, each with their own distinct personalities. By aligning these characters with the zodiac signs, we can find connections and similarities that make them relatable on a deeper level. Whether you identify with the confident and independent Carrie, the practical and grounded Miranda, the vivacious and outgoing Samantha, or the sensitive and romantic Charlotte, there is a character that resonates with your unique qualities. As you continue to explore the world of astrology and “Sex and the City,” embrace the traits that make you who you are and celebrate the diverse personalities that make this show a timeless classic.
