Actual 100 broadcasted two additional episodes of its series on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, at 3 am ET. The show, which is the principal Korean endurance reality series to air on Netflix, highlighted 100 candidates contending with one another in the absolute hardest fights that pushed them as far as possible. They gave their all to continue to push ahead and at last make a money prize of 300 million KRW.

Episode four of Actual 100 saw the excess challengers take part in their most memorable group journey. Ten group pioneers were looked over a mass vote, following which the hopefuls were approached to pick their own chief. The cycle saw the members associated with planning and sensational moves.

Episode four of Actual 100 saw the excess 50 competitors partake in their very first group mission. After a chaotic first test, in the past episode, 50 of the cast individuals were disposed of and the excess 50 partook in some spare energy on a merited break with rec center hardware and protein supplements. Notwithstanding, they were in for harder ongoing interaction ahead.

A declaration requested that they assemble in the field for their next challenge and uncovered that they presently needed to challenge each other in a group match. While some comprehended it was the ideal opportunity for the group design, others were feeling much better as they naturally suspected it would be less unpleasant than individual difficulties.

The Actual 100 contenders needed to contend in five groups, out of which the terrible groups were to be killed. The members needed to choose 10 group pioneers. In a sheet marked with the cast’s photos and names, every hopeful needed to pick three names of individuals they needed to collaborate with.

A few anticipated that the votes should be for them as they admitted to be one of the most grounded among the excess 50 competitors. Look at which of them were decided to be the group chiefs sequentially, from the most elevated votes to the least:

After the group chiefs were picked on Actual 100, the contenders were approached to remain before the pioneer they leaned toward the most. Each group chief then, at that point, needed to pick 4 challengers to be important for their group assuming the members remaining ahead were more than the assigned number.

This prompted numerous contenders being important for groups they initially didn’t pursue. Jang Eun Sil was picked the least and needed to manage with the vast majority of the extra individuals who weren’t chosen by other group pioneers. She, being the main female pioneer among the 10 men, chose to do everything she possibly can alongside her group.

Pioneers with higher votes got to pick their rivals. As a component of the equivalent, Nam Kyung Jin decided to fight it out with Jang Eun Sil’s group, which stunned the last option.

She admitted to feeling deceived as he had guaranteed that he wouldn’t conflict with her. In any case, Kyung Jin uncovered that his colleagues had a typical agreement and he needed to pay attention to them.

For the group mission in Actual 100, both Kyung Jin and Eun Sil’s groups were quick to contend. The test was designated “Moving Sand,” where the two groups needed to cross a scaffold and put sand in a sandbox. Be that as it may, they can’t plus or minus sadbags to or from one another on the extension. The group who shipped most sand in a short time would win.

Albeit the two groups finished the test, the episode finished on a cliffhanger with the two group pioneers on the scaffold. The one to tumble from the extension would be the horrible group.

Every episode of Actual 100 is assembling a great deal of interest among watchers. As challengers face disposals at customary stretches, the stakes are higher and the opposition is set to get significantly harder. Members should demonstrate that they truly deserve remaining in the running for the title, prompting more amazements and show in the impending episodes.
