carlton gebbia

Carlton Gebbia made herself a semi-household name when she appeared as one of the Real Housewives in Beverly Hills a few seasons ago, but her time on the show was short-lived. She is a wife, mother, and she is a businesswoman. She and her husband, David Gebbia, run several family businesses, including some financial services, some NBA and NFL players that they manage and even a high-end custom home development company.

She and her husband have three children, and she is highly involved in the darkness of the world. She’s very interested in things that most people find scary, and she’s been accused more than once of being a with behind closed doors. We don’t know much about that, but we do know that her life has changed in a major way since she left the show; we don’t even know her anymore.

She’s separated from her husband

It turns out that Carlton Gebbia and her husband have been separated for more than a year now, after being married for more than eighteen years. They have simply decided that they no longer feel the same way about one another, and they no longer want to remain married to one another. However, their split is quite amicable, and you will not hear about these two calling one another names or saying anything horrible in the press.

She’s still living with her husband

To make matters more interesting, Carlton and David Gebbia have been separated for a year, yet they still live in the same house. The couple want to put their three daughters first, and that means being a family and doing things as a family despite the fact that the couple is no longer a couple. We don’t know if this will last forever, but so far it’s been going on for a year and no one has been any wiser that this couple is not happily married.

She’s got health issues

Let’s clear this up; we know she was rushed to the hospital and that people thought Carlton Gebbia had a health issue that caused her to become unresponsive. And then there are reports she simply had too much to drink while out at a club, passed out and become unresponsive. We don’t know precisely what happened, but we do know that she was rushed to the hospital recently, and that she is currently doing well, thankfully. Allergic reaction or too much alcohol, we’re just glad she’s all right.

Her net worth

Carlton Gebbia has an estimated net worth of $150 million. She’s not doing poorly, by any means. Her net worth is, of course, tied in with the same net worth as her estranged husband. The two created a number of businesses together, and they have made it their business to be in business together. We hope for their sake that they are able to remain friendly since they are not only parents to the same children, but partners in numerous business ventures.

She called being fired from reality television a blessing

It turns out that Carlton Gebbia was just another victim of Bravo after it was found she simply did not work with the series. Perhaps they thought she was not bringing enough to the table; we don’t know. What we know is that she was fired from the series after one season, and she feels that her firing was an actual blessing to her life.

She was thinking of a reality television show with her husband

When she was fired from the housewives season four, Carlton Gebbia mentioned to the press that she was not interested in being a real housewife anymore, anyway. She was thinking of creating her own reality television show in which she and her husband were the stars. Apparently, that did not turn out so well for them. You can see for yourself that there is no reality show about these two, so it was just a pipe dream.

She’s a Wiccan

Carlton Gebbia identifies as a wiccan. She is not a witch. She does not like it when people refer to her as a witch, and she finds it amusing when people are so uninformed. Perhaps she is right that people are uninformed, but she didn’t spend too much time trying to make it clear to us when she was a real housewife for an hour. She had ample opportunity to show us more about her lifestyle choices, but she did not. Or maybe she did and Bravo took those scenes out.

She’s 42

Sometimes you see a woman who looks amazing and you have no idea how old she is. Carlton Gebbia certainly is beautiful, but we were surprised to learn she is only 42. We don’t know if she takes advantage of any help from doctors to maintain her smooth skin, but we were shocked to learn her real age.

She grew up in England

Perhaps you remember Carlton Gebbia from the housewives franchise. She was the one who had an English accent, though it wasn’t as heavy as someone who resides fulltime in England. She is from the UK, though she did spend some time living in South Africa at some point. She does have a lovely voice, though, and we love to listen to her speak. There is nothing so beautiful as an English accent, in our opinion. It is always so refined.

She’s close to her husband’s family

Carlton Gebbia and her husband are not only in business together. They are in business with his entire family. They spend a lot of time with them, and we have to wonder how their lives are meshing together now that they are no longer really family. We wonder if the extended family is willing to keep her close since they have worked together for nearly two decades, or if they are beginning to inch her out as rumors are swirling that she and her estranged husband might not be as amicably split as they want people to believe.

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