Talk about your all-time horrendous reads by this girlfriend. Now, let me get ahead of the story here. I tried finding her name and Instagram. It's not out there. All we have is the photo above. But back to this story. How do you miss this bad on draft night? I'm not talking about all the NBA teams passing on him - twice. I'm talking about the fact that you break up with him THAT night?!? Sure, there might be some false story there, but it's clear she had one thing on her mind. Fucking dating an NBA player. This just proves that she can't be around pro athletes. You gotta wait and see at least the rookie deal. If he's still in the G League, fine move on. But cutting ties before you see if he gets a few million in his pocket is as stupid as it gets.
Pretty ridiculous run by Christian Wood too. Goes undrafted, gets cut from the Sixers for Elton Brand. Not even the GM version, the old washed up version of Elton Brand. Milwaukee cut him for Pau Gasol. Something about old washed up bigs I guess? Also going to go ahead and assume his ex is now dating like Shawn Bradley or some random ass 90s center based on this. That was all before he beat out Joe Johnson for the last roster spot on the Pistons, had a hell of a year and then signed a $41 million contract with the Rockets. You gotta get drunk and send your first paycheck stub to the ex girlfriend right? Just rub it in a little bit more.
How quick do we think she reached out to Wood after he signed the deal? Just immediately sliding in with a text 'hey hope all is well /winky face' Seems like a no-brainer here. That or just admit you made a mistake and doubted him. Gotta wonder where this chick ended up. I'd like to think she's dating some mid-level accountant who just loves the Rockets. That's exactly what should happen here.