In June 1984, Wear York traveled to Salt Lake City from California. Upon appearance, he leased a vehicle and headed to the place of his ex, Patricia York, in Plentiful, where he discharged twelve to fourteen shots, seriously injuring Patricia and killing her then-beau, Jeff Longhurst. Following this, he went to a neighborhood police headquarters and gave up to specialists. He was accused of numerous counts.

That very year, York later conceded to lesser accusations of second degree murder and endeavored homicide after at first being charged of first-degree murder, a capital offense. In addition, during his supplication hearing, he guaranteed having no autonomous memory of the episode, however conceded to carrying out the wrongdoing. He was condemned to five-years-to-life and a successive term of zero-to-five years.

Rough Personalities: Executioners on Tape will return to Dr. Al Carlisle’s investigation of Wear York and his wrongdoings. The episode will air on Oxygen this Sunday, May 7, at 7 pm ET. Here is the authority summation for the episode:

“At the point when another prisoner claims he can’t recollect the endeavored murder of his better half and murder of the man she was taking part in an extramarital entanglements with, Dr. Carlisle utilizes spellbinding to get to his clear substitute character, Dan Hell.”Don York traveled to Utah and started shooting at his ex Patricia and her darling Jeff in their home, killing the last option

On June 17, 1984, Wear York booked a departure from San Bernardino, California, to Salt Lake City, Utah, under the name of Dan Slope. When he arrived, York leased a vehicle under his unique name Donald York and headed to Plentiful, where his ex, Patricia York, dwelled.

As per official reports, York entered Patricia’s home with a stacked weapon close by and discharged twelve to fourteen rounds, leaving her with huge wounds and her sweetheart dead. After the shooting, York headed to the neighborhood police headquarters and handed himself over. He let specialists know that a battle happened at Patricia’s home and furthermore educated them where to track down the weapon and ammunition.

After his admission, Wear York was accused of first-degree murder, endeavored second degree murder, a second degree criminal, and disturbed thievery, a first degree lawful offense. He at first argued not liable by reason of madness or “that he had reduced intellectual ability at the time the offense happened.”

York’s state of mind was then analyzed by court-named therapists, who verified that while he had mental problems, they were not so extreme as to deliver candidate lawfully crazy. Thus, they decided that the blamed was “intellectually equipped to figure out preliminary procedures and would have the option to aid his protection.”

On October 29 of that very year, Wear York conceded to the decreased charges of second degree murder, a first degree crime and endeavored homicide, a third degree crime as a feature of a request bargain. The state likewise consented to propose successive terms and abstain from chasing after a condemning improvement for utilization of a gun.

In any case, during his request hearing, York kept up with that he had no free memory of the shootings, yet he admitted to perpetrating the wrongdoings and confessed. On December 6, he got a five-year sentence to life in jail for second-degree murder and a simultaneous sentence of zero to five years for endeavored homicide.

When an inmate can't recall the attempted murder of his wife, Dr. Carlisle uses hypnosis to access the inmate's alternate personality. See how #ViolentMinds unfolds tonight 7/6c on Oxygen True Crime.

— Oxygen True Crime (@oxygen) May 7, 2023

Dr. Al Carlisle, a jail specialist, treated Wear Yrok while he was detained at the Utah State Jail. He arrived at the resolution that the convict experienced different behavioral condition. Following the finding, he recorded a state request in April 1985, contending that the most recent MPD proof demonstrated he was honest of the charges to which he had recently confessed.

As indicated by reports, he had the option to speak with his substitute character, Dan Heck, during a progression of mesmerizing meetings. Damnation informed Dr. Carlisle that upon the arrival of the shooting, a unidentified red-haired person (whom Dan Damnation saw) was behind Jeff’s homicide and Patricia getting seriously harmed.

York pursued on various occasions in the years that followed, yet each time was dismissed by the court. He was just let out of the Utah State Jail in 2002.

Look into the case on Oxygen’s Savage Personalities: Executioners on Tape this Sunday.
