Graduating students, who received degrees and certificates conferred by the University of Hawaii Maui College and University of Hawaii Manoa and West Oahu, salute their professors and instructors at the behest of commencement speaker, Maui County Mayor Mike Victorino, on Thursday evening on UH-Maui College’s Kahului campus. More than 700 students participated in commencement. Victorino urged graduates to respect their neighbors and their fellow men and women while giving back to their communities. “Be a better citizen, be a leader,” Victorino said. “We don’t want to lose the ohana spirit, the aloha spirit. Go out and take the world by the horns and make it a different place.”

Second photo: Lahainaluna graduate Kanoelani Delatori poses with her UH-Manoa diploma Thursday.

Third photo: Graduates show their pride and creativity with decorated mortarboards Thursday.

The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photos

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