A tattoo artist, Shawn Noyes, tragically died in a motorcycle accident last evening in Atkinson; Shawn sadly perished after being knocked off his bike and struck by another car.

The Atkinson police department reported that when an SUV started turning left onto Robie Lane from Main Street, according to witnesses, the biker was travelling at a high rate of speed on its back tire.

Shawn Noyes, a native of Haverhill, Massachusetts, suffered injuries in a fatal motorbike accident that shocked the neighbourhood.

The local authorities arrived at the scene and provided first aid and medical attention. Noyes was taken to a neighbourhood hospital, where he got the required care and attention, but nothing could save his life.

One of Nayes’ friends Kyle Anthony, posted an emotional statement on Facebook:

“Because man, this one hurts to write we had just been together; you had just left my house to go home and fish with your boys. I am so thankful I got to spend your last day on earth with you I am so glad.

I took you out to lunch and we chatted because if I knew today was the last day id of seen you’d of tried to make it last longer; you were my best friend, man my fishing buddy we were together everyday. We could either on your bike and your dads.

We started on the shore, progressed to kayaks, and moved up to jon boats, so Now who am I supposed to phone up and tell them I just slayed a monster bass? I guarantee I’ll be there for your guys, man, go fishing with them, and help them construct bike jumps.

I’m sorry you died so young, but everything happens for a reason, and I just hope there’s a more significant reason you were stolen from us. I love you man, to death, ride in paradise, and tell Danny I said hello.”

The accident is a sharp reminder of motorcycle riders’ fragility and the significance of everyone’s road safety. The Haverhill community is extremely concerned about the accident.

Noye’s friends, relatives, and neighbors have gathered to give their support and prayers. His funeral and burial customs have not been disclosed. My thoughts and prayers are with his wife, his sons, and the rest of his loved ones.

Those who know Shawn Noyes regard him as a dedicated member of the Haverhill community. He is considered highly by his friends and peers as a result of his involvement and efforts.

The incident emphasizes the need for increased awareness and prudence among all road users and highlights the vulnerability of motorcyclists on the road. To identify the accident’s cause and avoid future occurrences, local officials are aggressively looking into the circumstances surrounding it.

The incident serves as a tragic reminder for everyone to prioritize road safety and exercise caution when driving. Haverhill community is united and sending condolences to Shawn Noyes and his family on social media.

Kristen Nagy wrote on Facebook by posting Nayes’ photos:

“I am heartbroken. What a week it’s been. This is the second death this week. Shawny is a wonderful person. And the most talented artist.

Please pray for his family, his lady, and his newborn children. Please pray for his mother as well. Our entire being and mission as mothers is to protect our children.

I couldn’t imagine the anguish this family is going through. Declare your love for me. Pay a visit to your friends and relatives. Stop sleeping as though tomorrow will come. Shawny, we love you.”

Shawn Noyes will always remembered in the hearts of his family—prayers for him. Rest in Peace, Shawn.

Source: uptospeedjournalism.com
